Waking Up With Llamas

As I do most mornings, I make a coffee and find something to listen to while I feed the cats and this morning it was going to be Snowy White – Midnight Blues which I love immensely. The slow build-up of the guitar soloing throughout the track blows me away every time I listen.

So that was going to be my mood music and then I saw my friend, Sharine, had uploaded a video on YouTube entitled “Music With The Llamas at Prairie Patch Farm” so this is my initial morning music and I’m happy to share it with you all. I love llamas. They’re the best people. On travel guitar is music maestro Ron Hagadone, Sharine’s husband. We love you, too.

2 thoughts on “Waking Up With Llamas

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  1. Aww, it is so sweet of you to post on your blog, Jay! And I’m so happy that we were able to connect across the miles (and years) via this special performance! Cheers, mate, and much much love to you and your mum and your furry, feathered, and winged little mates.💝🦙🎼

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    1. You’re very welcome. I love this video.

      My little winged creatures are dying out now. Down to about 5. The New Addition keeps trying to kill them so I’m just letting their numbers run down, so she can walk about freely.

      The crickets I am going to keep except the next batch will be silent ones. They’ll be in their containers walking about and she can watch those with interest from the windowsill or bed.

      Much love to you and yours too my friend xx

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