Dry Socket

I always get a Dry Socket after any dental extractions undertaken and this time is no different. I contacted the hospital this morning and I’m due back this afternoon to sort things out. I did everything laid out in the fact-sheet with regard to aftercare however to no avail. I was up most of last night with pain, which radiated out from the area treated to the jawbone, ear and up into my head. Not pleasant at all.

The birds have all been fed and it’s a joy watching them race to the various parts of the garden, in search of treats. We have three squirrels who massively deplete the peanut stores and a large brown rat. I couldn’t believe it when I saw him/her. He/she only eats from one of the suet logs. He climbs up, takes a few mouthfuls and then heads back down into the undergrowth before climbing back up again. Our garden is not dirty at all so I’m not sure why he/she’s there. To be honest, I don’t mind. He/she is beautiful.

I’m sitting here listening to Michael Hill’s Blues Mob. Great band. Michael Hill is a brilliant guitarist, in that powerful, flowing guitar style a la Gary Moore. I really like their albums. There are so many great musicians out there, who for whatever reason, don’t reach wider acclaim. It maybe due to niche music genres or perhaps a willingness not to sell out. Usually the latter, I would say.

I was listening to Charlie Musselwhite earlier. I love Charlie’s music. I love his harmonica playing. He’s a good guitarist too, with a sparse, pared-down playing style. The album I listened to was Delta Hardware. It’s very good, especially the opening track Church Is Out.

Now I’ve just got to wait out the remaining time until I get seen by the hospital. I’m starving hungry however eating is just so uncomfortable at the moment. I have rinsed my mouth out with warm saltwater and also non-alcoholic mouthwash as per instructions but nothing’s really helping as the pain is coming through in waves.

I was thinking about the situation in the Middle East currently and I think what a certain country is doing with regards to the taking of innocent lives, is absolutely wicked. However, had a different state been formed back in the 1940’s and one in which M’s had the majority stake in it, how many J’s would be living there now? I’m going to say NONE. I’m not giving anyone there a free pass, only that if I had to choose who to live under, the M’s in any region or the J’s in that country, I know which I would choose. ‘I’ as a religion isn’t good. Just from a music perspective. J not only allows it but it flourishes. ‘I’ forbids it totally.

There was a cricket under the refrigerator that chirped for weeks. Then the chirping stopped. I was sad because I thought it had likely passed away. I sat down one night nearby and out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement and by my feet was the cricket. Hardly moving. I picked him up (only the males chirp) and took him upstairs. Put him into the container, right by the food and water. He was there for ages feeding up. He rewarded me later with song. It was a lovely sound.

Any religion which tells me animals don’t have souls and therefore don’t get into the Hereafter hasn’t a heart. I would willingly take oblivion if it meant I couldn’t experience such delights when I shuffle off this mortal coil. I have a Pagan heart and an Animist soul, with a hint of Taoism and Shamanism thrown in for good measure. It’s not a bad mix, all in all.

It’s a beautiful, sunny day today. There’s a dead-looking brown bush across from one of the downstairs windows. I noticed yesterday that it has little green shoots all over it, so Spring is just around the corner. It won’t be long before everything comes back to life once more.

Right. That’s it for me for the moment. Peace, love and light to you all. Have a good day.

2 thoughts on “Dry Socket

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  1. Jay, you could try gently swishing for a couple of minutes with Hydrogen Peroxide, just make sure to spit it out! Also, ginger and turmeric are anti-inflammatory. I dissolve a bit of each of the organic powdered herbs in water and drink it. Because it is a natural treatment, it can take longer than pharmaceuticals to be fully effectual.

    Thank you for sharing those stories and your perspectives. I do love reading it all.


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    1. Hi there. I can’t have turmeric or ginger unfortunately as they interact negatively with my blood-thinners. Before I was put on them, I used to use something similar and it was always effectively. Nature knows best 🙂

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